House Franchise – FilmHouse Franchise – Film
“House Franchise” The original is a classic which belongs on every true horror fans “must watch” list. I’d seen the second when it was first released. I’d not seen the
“House Franchise” The original is a classic which belongs on every true horror fans “must watch” list. I’d seen the second when it was first released. I’d not seen the
“Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane” Movie #11 for the 2020 31-Days of Horror. For more information follow this link. An alleged government contractor is using a
“Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies” Movie #2 of the 2020 31-Days of Horror. For more information follow this link. Josh and Steve are professional snowboarders who are trying to secure
“Wacko” Movie #23 of the 31-days of horror challenge. For more information follow this link. 13 years ago a young woman was horribly murdered by the lawnmower killer on Halloween
“Vamp U” Movie #22 of the 31-days of horror challenge. For more information follow this link. A vampire, Wayne Gretzky, who accidentally killed the love life, Mary, and lost the
“Mosquito” Movie #13 of the 2019 31-days of horror challenge For more information follow this link. Giant mosquiotos are killing people in the campground. A small group of survivors fight
“Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter” Movie #10 of the 2019 31-days of horror challenge. Follow this link for more information. Jesus Christ’s second coming finds him joining forces with various men
“The Dead Don’t Die” Movie #4 of the 31-days of horror challenge. Follow this link for more information. Something odd is happening in the small town of Centerville, indeed around
“Better off Undead” Movie #31: 31- Days of Horror Challenge 2018 For more information follow this link. On what begins as a drudgingly ordinary day, a somewhat oblivious group of
“Fetish Factory” Movie #28: 31- Days of Horror Challenge 2018 Follow this link for more information. A strip club/cabaret called “The Fetish Factory” is having a special show and the