The Dead Don’t Die (2019) – Film

“The Dead Don’t Die”

Movie #4 of the 31-days of horror challenge.

Follow this link for more information.

Something odd is happening in the small town of Centerville, indeed around the world. News reports that the Earth has been pulled off it’s axis due to polar fracking, and as the Centerville Sheriff Department investigate all the bizaare reports, the dead are rising from their graves.

I was forewarned that the humor in this horror-comedy is a bit on the dry side, and when I saw that Jim Jarmusch wrote and directed this, the creative mind who gave us “Only Lovers Left Alive,” I undersood what I was in for… and I was not disappointed.

The cast in this is outstanding, the dynamic between Bill Murray, as Sheriff Cliff Robertson, and Adam Driver, as Officer Ronnie Peterson, is really great and sets the tone for the entire movie. There actually isn’t a performance in this film that isn’t worth honorable mention. But if I start talking about the cameos, parts, and performances, I’ll end up spoiling the movie and that I don’t want to do… except to say heed RZA’s, as Dean the delivery driver’s, wisdom: “The world is perfect. Appreciate the details.” That is an apt description for this film.

This film is certainly for those who enjoy dry, deadpan humor, a healthy splash of meta, tons of easter eggs, the shambling dead, violence without a ton of gore, sarcasm, and heavy handed social commentary.

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