Fetish Factory (2017) – Film

“Fetish Factory”

Movie #28: 31- Days of Horror Challenge 2018

Follow this link for more information.

A strip club/cabaret called “The Fetish Factory” is having a special show and the rainy night doesn’t stop the patrons from showing up in hordes.  Zombie hordes, that is!

Well, this is exactly what it sounds like.  Naughty not nasty, although it is filed with adult themes, it never crosses the line into vulgar.  It’s quite an empowering movie actually, filled with strong female characters, and characters embracing and exploring their own curiosities.  The fetishes represented not only with the characters, but also in the set dressing add more artistic layers to the film.   And did I mention zombies?  Yep, a nice new twist on the zombie apocalypse is threatening to invade the peaceful oasis that is The Fetish Factory.

Check out the cast list for this! (No, I’m not going to list them all, that’s why I have the link to IMDb.)  I don’t know that I’d call her a “scream queen” but I would certainly say that Miss Tristan Risk is a modern queen of horror and Jennifer Blanc-Beihn not only stars but also produced this with her husband Michael Beihn.

There is a bit of understated violence, a bit of blood, and a moment or 2 of actual gore.  The movie has a nice steady pace with a good building of suspense.  My only real complaint is the “feel good” ending.

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