A Time to Die (2024) – Film

“A Time to Die”

Day 13 of the 2024 31-Days of Horror

For more information follow this link.

A soldier from the future is pulled back in time to the present day where she and her squad confront Gabrielle Xon, the Zombie Queen. When Gabrielle Xon turns the rest of Dax’s squad into zombies under Xon’s control, Dax is also turned into a zombie, but, somehow is not controlled by Xon. It’s her mission to battle the nefarious Zombie Queen and save her squad and all of humanity from a zombie apocalypse.

This is a low-budget, independent time-traveling zombie flick made in my home state. And, full disclosure, I have a tiny part in it. It’s writer/director, Robert Love’s first feature length film and it’s obviously a labor of love for him and for many of the cast and crew. When it played at the Sawdust City Fright Fest, which is where I saw it on the big screen, it had a great audience response. There are a few places that could have used just a little more ruthless editing. At approximately 1 hour 45 minutes, it could have been tightened up just a little bit.

Jessica Jane Witham, as Gabrielle Xon, was my absolute favorite part of the film. Such a wonderful villain! Such a charismatic actor! I loved the way she made Xon such a delightfully and cheerfully wicked presence in every scene. (If I hadn’t already decided to teach my grandchildren the importance of having an “evil laugh”, her performance would have made that decision for me.)

The rest of the main cast did a solid job. Always love to see the talented Amy Radloff in these indie projects. It’s definitely worth checking out the cast to see what their future projects will be, there’s a lot of potential here.

The film did get distribution, so look for it on select streaming services in the future.

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