Ninjas Vs Monsters (2013) – Film

“Ninjas Vs Monsters” Follow this link for more information or visit the Official Website. Our heroes: Cole (the troubled leader), Kyle (pretty sure his special power is his foul language), Aaron (ninja extraordinaire), and Alex (with all new super mind powers), have continued the fight against evil.  Now, in the face of their greatest foes, …

Ninjas Vs Vampires (2010) – Film

“Ninjas Vs Vampires” Follow this link for more information or visit the Official Website. The Ninjas are back!  Well, they never actually went away, they have continued to fight the forces of evil incognito.  When the Ninjas rescue Aaron and Alex, and things don’t quite go as planned, they quickly realize that the only solution …

Ninjas Vs Zombies (2008) – Film

“Ninjas Vs Zombies” For more information follow this link or visit the official website. Eric, who died mysteriously after dabbling in magic, is accidentally resurrected by his brother, Randall, after he discovered The Book.  Eric begins consuming souls and turning people into zombies.  Randall consults The Book, and gives their friends, Cole, Kyle, and Fitz, …

Familie Boses-Fahn kauft ein Haus (2014) – Short Film

“Familie Boses-Fahn kauft ein Haus” A short film featured at the 2014 Oshkosh Horror Film Festival. Family Boses-Fahn tour a house with a questionable real estate agent, and apparently only the young son notices something is amiss in this coming of age short.

Jake Speed (1986) – Film

“Jake Speed” For more information follow this link. When Margaret Winston’s sister is kidnapped, Grandpa knows just who to contact to rescue her.   Unfortunately, Jake Speed is a fictional character from a pulp novel series.  Or so everyone believes. Uncertain of his claims, but unwilling to give up hope, Margaret is swept away by …

Warm Bodies (2013) – Film

“Warm Bodies” Follow this link for more information. This is the story of R.  He’s one of the shambling dead.  One day while out searching for food with his friends, he sees Julie and after eating her boyfriend’s brains and absorbing the memories, something in him starts to change.  R takes Julie home with him, …

The Italian Zombie Movie (2010) – Film

“The Italian Zombie Movie – Part 1 Zombie Abomination” For more information follow this link.  “The Italian Zombie Movie – Part 2 Zombie Atrocity” For more information visit  this link. Or visit the Italian Zombie Movie official website. Bruno, a special forces veteran, his brother’s psychic widow, a succubus, her idiot boyfriend, a pair of …

Hellbenders (2012) – Film

“Hellbenders” For more information follow this link. The Augustine Interfaith Order of Hell bound Saints are a group of ministers and priests who specialize in exorcisms.  They believe that through discipline and remaining in a state of constant sin and disgrace, if a demon they are exorcising is too strong, they will be morally compromised …

Croczilla (2012) – Film

“Croczilla” Follow this link for more information. Wang Xiaoxing, a young boy has befriended a giant crocodile named Amao which lives at his grandfather, Bald Liu’s crocodile farm.  Xiaoxing’s father, Wang Beiji, is a police officer who finds himself faced with a very frantic Wen Yan, who had a run in with Amao in a …